
New refined rustic side tables

  • November 17, 2019
New refined rustic side tables

When art has an everyday function, life is that much sweeter. Introducing Mark's new side tables! These tables are so multi-functional, they both run with the crowd and stands out at the same time. Where can you use one, you ask? How about... [cue auctioneer chant]...Next to a bed, a couch, a chair, a bench, on the deck, the patio, the porch, in the garden, the workshop, the man cave, the she shed, the office, tucked in a reading nook, placed near the the grill, the campfire, the party, any room in a cozy cabin, a lodge, or anywhere you need a surface to set something on. Every wood...

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Sculpture round-up

  • September 25, 2016
Sculpture round-up

We can't believe it's already fall! It seems like February was just yesterday. Mark has been busy with bears of all size and poses along with some very exciting, big projects which we'll talk about in the upcoming posts. For now, here's a round-up of all the sculptures he's been working on this year. Flying Bald Eagle Black Cedar Bear, Ted Custom Rusty Bear for New Grandparents Custom Bear Head Bookend New Cedar Rusty Bears One More Rooster Cartoon-style Beaver

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Brown bear sculpture for the fire pit

  • August 29, 2015
Brown bear sculpture for the fire pit

This 4' brown bear (named Barley) watches over the entertainment patio and fire pit at his new home in North Carolina. Wood sculptures as yard art can enhance your outdoor entertainment space in a unique and personal way.  

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A rustic pavilion: carving under cover

  • July 5, 2015
A rustic pavilion: carving under cover

Mark built a pavilion so he can carve chainsaw sculptures rain or shine. All the trees were cut off our property. The roof is temporary until we decide on a permanent solution. Maybe cedar shake. The structure was built so it could be disassembled and moved if needed. Now we're thinking about wedding arbors and garden gazebos...

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California big bear

  • January 25, 2015
California big bear

A client in California wanted a 6-1/2-foot brown bear for his home. It's one thing to have a great big bear standing outside but imaging having one inside! Very cool.

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Mr. Jenkins wears green trousers

  • January 24, 2015
Mr. Jenkins wears green trousers

This bear was made for a client who had seen one like it in New York and asked Mark to carve him one similar. Mark made a few modifications and improvements. It was fun watching this animated, cartoon-style brown bear come to life. He was carved out of Virginia Pine and is sporting a cute pair of green trousers and a belt. It is definitely a different type of bear but just think of all the possibilities to change up the character and have a whole cast of bears. He has big button eyes, a big soft nose and a little floppy bottom lip. He looks like the American cousin of Paddington Bear. He...

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Waving brown bear welcomes guests at a B&B

  • January 24, 2015
Waving brown bear welcomes guests at a B&B

Mark carved this 7-foot waving brown bear for Adobe and Stars Inn Bed & Breakfast in Taos, New Mexico. The inn owner wanted a large, happy, welcoming bear to place in front of her B&B and be visible from the road. This bear has definitely attracted attention as people routinely stop their cars to get out and pose with him for photos. Here is the bear at our place, before shipping him to New Mexico. And here are a few pictures of the bear in progress. He gets to relax a bit while waiting to be shipped to New Mexico.

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Cedar wood bear cubs

  • November 23, 2014

Mark took one of his cedar logs and chainsaw carved these adorable bear cubs. He ended up leaving them in a more rustic state because they looked so unique and adorable. These little fellows are affectionately called Gummy Bears. Mark left the cedar wood in its natural state so they smell wonderful in addition to being so cute. Next Mark carved another group of bear cubs from a cedar log, but they are more finished while still having a rustic feel; not to mention how friendly they look. These babies are just  the right size for kids to adopt! Here is another pair...

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‘Tis the season for pumpkins and pine trees

  • September 28, 2014
‘Tis the season for pumpkins and pine trees

Every year from mid-September through mid-December, Mark carved oodles of pumpkins and pine trees. They are made from poplar and cedar wood and left in their natural state. The cedar wood smells amazing! They made great gifts for friends and family and look great as indoor and outdoor decor (entryways, mantles, hearths, landings, porches, gardens). The natural pumpkins are $35, the torched pumpkins are $40 and the pine trees are $45. View the gallery page.

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2013 Virginia Wine and Garlic Festival

  • August 3, 2014
2013 Virginia Wine and Garlic Festival

It's almost time for the 2014 Virginia Wine and Garlic Festival at Rebec Vineyards in Amherst. We'll be there, and here are some pictures from last year. The rain never did completely go away but the popular event still had a great crowd. We made new friends and got to see some of our clients and friends from the previous year. Mark carved  about two dozen pumpkins in various shapes and sizes. They were rustic in style and burnt with a torch to give it the dark accents and shading. They look great clustered together wherever you can think to put them. A few friends bought several and placed them...

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